Its mature height is 2 feet tall and wide. After all, there are so many types of Alocasia plants to choose from that a bit of hesitation is understandable. The Philodendron Pink Princess is a beautiful indoor plant with green and pink variegated leaves. Sometimes the green leaves can be so huge that they need some support. Heartleaf philodendron is commonly grown in hanging baskets, dish gardens and as groundcover in larger planters. care on most sites: keep it moist, it likes water. This plant loves sunlight so put your Philodendron in a sunny location with bright, indirect light. Alocasias grows from a corm, while a Giant Philodendron has a regular root system. The leaves are also velvety in texture and dont reflect light, making them appear darker than they are. Welcome to Plant House Aesthetic! Its important to check under the leaves for white dots or webbing. Red Leaf Philodendron. Stop fertilizing during fall and winter when growth slows down. Both of these plants would make fantastic additions to any houseplant collection, and all indoor gardeners should consider both, but which one you choose will ultimately depend on if you can support the plants needs. The plant enjoys part shade and does best if grown in a soil that is organically rich and moist. The leaves of this Alocasia are velvety, with silvery white veins and medium to dark green leaves. An Alocasias leaves point upwards, while the Colocasias leaves point downwards. Philodendron sagittifolium Synonyms: Philodendron tanyphyllum, Philodendron sanguineum, Philodendron lancigerum, Philodendron tuxtlanum, Philodendron lancigerum, Philodendron daemonum, Philodendron ghiesbrechtii Formerly incorrectly identified on this site as Under certain conditions, the leaves can be a grayish-blue color, which is stunning in your garden of green. Whatever your interior dcor, there is a type of Philodendron to suit your taste. That is, if youre up for the challenge of caring for their high humidity needs. The odd shape and texture make it popular among those that love an unusual tropical plant. Its velvety leaves are sensitive to direct light and will easily scorch if not protected by the strong rays of the sun. Some of the leaves infected with the Dasheen Mosaic Virus can even be distorted. Grow Philodendron plants in a potting mix that has excellent drainage, but still holds some moisture. Here are some of the main care differences between Alocasia and Colocasia plants: Light. However, compared to other varieties of Philodendron, this cultivar is a bright-looking plant. Has slightly taller leaves than that of the alocasia Polly. Cataphylls are sheath-like leaves that protect a new developing leaf. Alocasia amazonica 'Ivory Coast'. There are two types of Philodendrons: vining philodendrons such as the heartleaf Philodendron which will climb up a supporting structure; and non-climbing philodendrons such as the lacy tree Philodendron or birds nest Philodendron which form huge displays of upright plants that grow wider than they are tall. This is another small-growing Alocasia variety, with leaves reaching a maximum of 8 inches, while the plant growing to around 16 inches tall. All Rights Reserved. Philodendron veins tend to blend in. The hooded dwarf Alocasia is also commonly known as the buddhas hand. Waiting until the soil partly dries also helps to prevent problems with fungus gnats. They are more arrow-shaped or heart-shaped; while Colocasia has matte green leaves and the leaves are more or less round in shape. Wash the leaves regularly . The stems grow very high and hold their large leaves in a horizontal manner that creates a sort of umbrella. Adapting your environment to these conditions can always be done, and ultimately shouldnt deter you from trying to bring either of these fantastic plants into your home. 1 - Leaves. True split-leaf Philodendron has an entirely different leaf texture than a Monstera. The plant stays at around 1-2 feet tall with leaves that are 20 inches long and 10 inches wide. The black leaves add a dramatic look that will catch the attention of visitors and other plant lovers. Luckliy, there are things most indoor gardeners can do to improve their blooms. The length of a heart-shaped leaf ranges between 5 to 7cm. 3. Its called Tiger Taro because of its bushy leaves and striped pattern but is also one of the most resilient species. Proper site preparation ensures years of growth and once established they will not require weed control. Known as the Giant Taro, the plant features tall, rigid stalks and large leaves with wavy, ruffled edges. They have large greenish-blue leaves that grow between 10 and 20 inches long. While the leaves arent actually black, they are so dark green that they appear black. Garden Center. Copyright 2023 - Plant Index. All blog comments are checked prior to publishing, 40 - 50cm Zamioculcas Zamifolia 14cm Pot House Plant, 40 - 50cm Philodendron Jose Buono 15cm Pot, 20 - 30cm Monstera Standleyana Variegated 12cm Pot, 10 - 15cm Monstera Oblique Peru Obliqua 9cm Pot, 20 - 30cm Anthurium Hookeri Variegated Birds Nest Variegata 12cm Pot, 15 - 25cm Treubii Moonlight Pothos Scindapsus 12cm Pot House Plant, 20 - 30cm Aglaonema Cherry Baby Chinese Evergreen 12cm Pot House Plant, 20 - 30cm String of Hearts Ceropegia Woodii in 14cm Hanging Pot, Calathea Roseopicta Green Prayer Plant House Plant 6cm Pot, 15 - 25cm Philodendron Scandens Pothos 12cm Pot House Plant, 25cm Serenity Stout Planter Black/Bown Plant Pot, 25cm Diamond Planter Grey/Silver Plant Pot, 24cm Maine Round Planter Grey/White Plant Pot, 24cm Maine Round Planter Terracotta/White Plant Pot. While Alocasia is a tropical and distinct variety of plants that will give your yard or indoor collection an exotic edge, these plants are so simple to take care of. Crocus, gladioli . Alocasia and Colocasia are often clumped together and are commonly known as elephant ear plants. Your email address will not be published. Shape of the Leaves. At 1.6 feet tall, its a small-growing Alocasia, lending itself even for growing in terrariums, where the humidity and warmth set an ideal environment for this plant. Anthurium vs Philodendron - What are the Differences. Does your pothos plant need repotting? They have a rough-looking matte finish that can have them easily mistaken for a fake plant. There are 97 different types of recognized Alocasia plants. If leaf texture is what youre most intrigued by in a foliage plant, the Alocasia Melo does not disappoint its rugged texture is made even more interesting by the visible primary and secondary veins on the leaf, creating a beautiful and intricate pattern. The stems are long, and the leaves are pointy heart shapes that droop down casually. It's called "heart leaf" for a reason! You should allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering your Philodendron. So, try not to keep this plant in too dry of a climate if you want it to grow well. It has a firm feel to its leaves, and you will see a red midrib, especially in . Your Philodendron will clasp onto anything it can to climb, so it is best to get to climb where you want it to. To care for Philodendron Birkin, grow the compact houseplant in indirect sun, fertile well-draining potting mix, and relatively high humidity. If so, you'll need to follow specific steps to make sure you don't harm your pothos plant in the process. The tail is reminiscent of a stingray, which is where the nickname came from. Nevertheless, people refer to it as green velvet because of the astonishing shade of green that colors its leaves. The leaves are very glossy and leather-like, like many Alocasia varieties. With almost 100 varieties of Alocasias, choosing your perfect match can be overwhelming. It grows up to 14 in (36 cm) in total. The green heartleaf Philodendron is a vining type of plant with dark-green leaves in a hearts shape. Difference between alocasia sanderiana and amazonica difference between alocasia sanderiana and amazonica. & How to fix them, ZZ Plant Care Guide | Watering, Lighting & Other Tips, Philodendron Giganteum Care Guide For Beginners, Alocasia Black Velvet Care | A Complete Guide. Botanical Name: Philodendron erubescens. Anthurium generally likes to grow well in a compact and self-heading fashion. There are even more differences that we will get into in a while. The Alocasia portodora can grow to be quite large. Tips on Water, pH, & Fertilizing Epiphytic Anthuriums & Philodendrons. As its name suggests, this Alocasia types leaves are in the shape of triangles. Alocasias, commonly called Elephant Ears, are kept as both a house plant and an outdoor plant, particularly in areas with year-round warm weather. . What's the difference between anthurium and Alocasia? The plant has large pointy leaves but still has an air of delicacy due to its thin, wispy stems and spacious appearance. The Alocasia macrorrhizos, not to be confused with the Alocasia macrorrhiza, is an exotic-looking plant that brings an aura of simplicity and sophistication to your garden. Has slightly dwarfed leaves than that of amazonica. Like the Alocasia portadora, it has a hardiness zone 11, meaning the plant can withstand temperatures down to 40F before entering dormancy. You can see the distinctive white veining of the genus, complemented with the arrowhead shape. The embossed leaves grow out rather than up from their thin, tender stems. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post is about the different types of Alocasia plants, how to identify them including photos of the Alocasia varieties and some basic care tips. 15 - 25cm Philodendron Scandens Pothos 12cm Pot House Plant. The flowers are small and white and surrounded by a light green spathe. Dont expose it to drought, direct sunlight, temperature fluctuations or cold drafts. Even though Alocasias like humid climates, their watering needs are less than you would think. It can reach a length of around 4-6 feet indoors, and allowed to grow freely. This lovely houseplant is a bit more rare compared to other more mainstream plants, but it's quite beautiful, and can be a wonderful addition to an indoor garden. These striking plants are one of the most popular house plants and will add an exotic flair to any household. Monsteras are smoother and flatter, while Thaumatophyllum Bipinnatifidum tends to look ruffled. 15K subscribers in the alocasia community. Thin white veins run over the leaves for a lovely contrast. But the plant itself loves to be in some shade, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves and dry out the soil. Philodendron Spiritus-Sancti G.S. The plant got its name after the fragrant flowers it produces that resembles the calla lily flowers in that it has a pale peach spathe and a spadix. i feel like the leaves are different textures (frydek more velvet). Both species of Philodendron are from the same speciesP. It's one of the most popular philodendrons with signature heart-shaped leaves. In the picture: Philodendron erubescens Red Emerald which has red stems. 3. Therefore, while the Selloum has gone for size, the Philodendron Xanadu has gone for beauty. The Polly plant reminds some of the traditional African mask patterns because of the adorned leaves with ribs in a light green white. Alocasia 'Bambino' has deep green, arrowhead leaves with silvery green veins and purple undersides. As the lacy tree Philodendron (Philodendron Selloum) grows and matures, its leaves become huge and start drooping. These are pretty low maintenance, so you can grow them in most gardens as long as you get enough humidity and sunlight. Its a compact Alocasia, which grows only to about a foot tall. The Stingray is a popular variety of Alocasia because of its dramatic ornamental leaves that offer a dazzling appearance. The leaves can reach 6-feet in length and 4-feet wide. HYBRID SUMMARY: Originally known as Alocasia x amazonica, this hybrid name was never validly registered and has been confirmed to be of horticultural origin. Water the plant well until the soil is moist, but not soggy and make sure that you have a well-draining pot. Philodendron Birkin has heart-shaped leaves with delicate creamy-white pinstripes. It has large, drooping leaves in the shape of a rounded arrow, making them a dramatic addition to your home or yard. You should aerate the soil to ensure efficient drainage. Repotting an Alocasia zebrina isnt difficult and should be done every 12-18 months. 6.99. Last updated: November 4, 2022 | Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight. Its not an ideal plant for indoor growing, so if you dont live in an area with a climate suitable for growing this plant outdoors, I recommend checking out the other Alocasia types I discuss in this article. PSize: 27-35 inches tall. The ideal location for Alocasia 'Polly' and Alocasia amazonica is actually a greenhouse where humidity and temperature can be controlled. The Alocasia is a plant species native to the subtropics of Asia and eastern Australia. Alocasias in the wild grow under the canopies of tall trees. The undersides of the leaves are also interesting, sporting a reddish color that only adds to the appeal of this plant. The clumping plant doesnt grow long trailing vines. While both Monstera and Philodendron belong the the Araceae family, they are two different plant species. With too little light, the plant can grow lopsided or even leggy. The reginula species has been given the nickname of queen or Alocasia black velvet. The most noticeable feature of this plant is that the leaves tend to grow to various sizes, making for a unique cascading appearance. Sometimes, the underside also has a reddish tint that makes it especially unique in the Alocasia family. It usually reaches a height of 3 feet and a width between 3-5 feet. Stick the stem in a glass of water, making sure the node is submerged. Place the Xanadu plant in a location with medium to bright light. Moreover, the leaves of alocasia have a shiny surface and come with an extended corm. But be careful, Alocasias are poisonous and are best kept away from pets and kids. Alocasia melo has a striking appearance with its deep dark oval leaves with a distinct point at the end of each one. Also, whole leaves can remain rolled and . It has moderate watering requirements, disliking overwatering but also chronic underwatering. In contrast to Alocasia, the leaf tip of colocasia points downwards. The leaves are 6 - 9 i. If you are struggling to get the humidity this plant needs, try placing it in the bathroom, or somewhere that gets more humidity. Some types of vining plants in the Philodendron family are the variegated Philodendron Brasil, pink princess and the green heartleaf Philodendron. Overwatering, overfertilization, and insufficient sunlight are all potential . Your email address will not be published. We'll help you spot the difference! They will just require extra attention, like regular misting with a spray bottle or placing a wet pebble tray close by. Put it under the required conditions and give it the recommended Philodendron Florida Ghost care. Home Alocasia 15 Types of Alocasia Plants Rare & Popular Varieties. And yes, this Alocasia has a lovely smell that is subtle but will breathe some life into your home or garden. A mature Birkin plant will take a few years to reach its maximum height of around 3 ft. (1 m). Its name loosely translates to tree hugger because this plant loves to climb and, in its natural habitat, will climb up trees to reach above the canopy. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, care, and progress of Alocasia plants. This is because the plant is native to Thailand, where it is believed to bring great fortune. The largest Alocasia is the Alocasia macrorrhiza, more commonly called the giant taro. This is where it gets complicated. Unlike the Alocasia Cuprea, this species grows fast but wont reach over 2,5 feet in height. Better known as the black magic plant, the leaves are a dark shade of purple, almost black, and have an intense shine. The corm of colocasia has a less rounded shape. This variety appreciates high humidity, so make sure you keep the air around moist if you keep it indoors. The plant is appropriately named, as the leaves look and feel like velvet fabric, with tiny little bristles all over it to create a super soft texture. Although Philodendrons and Anthuriums belong to the same family, Araceae, they're classified as different genera. This is probably one of the most defining features you can immediately tell if either one is an Alocasia or a Giant Philodendron. If the hanging Philodendron plant doesnt get enough light, you may notice that the trailing vines become leggy with sparse foliage growth. The undersides of the leaves are maroon. The leaves can be so dark that theyre almost black, featuring orange and red accents along the stem. This plant will be an impressive statement in your home and bring an exotic feel. Alocasia tubers are smaller, thin, and plain without prominent stripes or eyes. These plants are both completely different plants than monstera . Alocasia also boasts prominent veins on their leaves, ranging from green, black-green, white, and even shades of pink. Coming from the Alocasia genus, many Alocasia varieties have similar basic traits, but can differ significantly based on size, color, and shape. So, whether youre a beginner or an experienced plant parent, you can easily grow one of these dazzling plants. Create your account and enjoy a new shopping experience. Hardiness Zone: 9+. Philodendron Florida Ghost Propagation. Alocasia develops both tubers and rhizomes. This deep watering technique allows the roots to stay constantly moist without becoming waterlogged. The edges of the leaves have a white wavy border and a split at the top of the leaves, emphasizing their arrow shape. They have thick, green veins running over the oval and pointed leaves. The Congo Rojo only grows in tropical and subtropical climates outdoors. And it isnt hard to keep them healthy, as they are a low-maintenance Alocasia, especially when kept indoors. 2. If not put in a humid room, place on a pebble tray or mist regularly to increase humidity. Jewel-like shades of green and purple draw attention to this plant. However, because Anthuriums grow in the moss and leaf litter of tree branches in their native environments, they prefer something more akin to an orchid mix. The best temperature range is 65-85F (18C - 29C). Fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune in the spring. Dark alocasia leaves often have light or white . Its brightly-colored leaves contrast with the pinkish-green stems to create an unusual hanging basket houseplant. | Top Tips to save Your Devils Ivy, Causes of Philodendron Birkin Brown Spots? Plants will occasionally, albeit rarely when grown indoors, produce insignificant purple spathes. It can reach up to 3 feet and is easier to grow than other Alocasias. When new leaves grow, the leaves can be a pinkish-purple color. In lower light conditions the leaves will be more vibrant. The best place to grow a Prince of Orange Philodendron is in a bright spot, away from direct sunlight. As its name suggests, the Alocasia nebula has silvery leaves that look artificial to many. The tree-like Philodendron can grow up to 3 ft. (1 m) and have a spread of around 6 ft. (2 m) outdoors. The plant is resilient and will put up with less than ideal conditions for a while before its health declines.