A struggle for identity and power taking place in the world..we need the voice of reason, balance and understanding. This willingness to objectify the other sex is also a boundary that allows a person to focus more on themselves to become established for their later years. Im so grateful you found it inspiring and helpful! Healing sexual trauma, and reclaiming our sexual energy as women is an act of soul retrieval, calling home the fragmented parts of our inner Goddess. Hello, It is now time for the rise of the Divine Feminine. Yet because so many of us live in our heads, we become disconnected from our hearts and souls (the source of our intuition!). Also, if you find that theres a male (or trans/non-binary individual) out there who reflects the Shakti energy in a healthy and respectful way, feel free to add them to your list of role models. Helpful. We need to be aware of our shadow selves in order to move into the light. I am so grateful for the techniques to get acquainted with those parts of myself and heal them. Enjoy the trees, the wind, the clouds, the rain, the flowers, the sunshine, the soil all of it. ), What is Spirituality? Click through to read The Wounded Healer & The Divine Mother Goddess. Thank you John, its always a pleasure to hear from you and your intriguing inner reflections and transformations. We need to grow up and stop feeding our lower nature. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. By the end of this, you will have developed your earned secure attachment style so you can put an end to your cycle of bad relationships. As a force that is responsible for organizing, ruling, fighting, building, and dominating, masculine energy is certainly useful but only up until a certain point. For she is terrible with the terror of the avenging lightning, and gentle with the goodness of the bright sun; and both her terror and her gentleness are incomprehensible to humans But she is with everyone and in everyone, and so beautiful is her secret that no person can know the sweetness with which she sustains people, and spares them in inscrutable mercy.. But all things in life have a dark side that is an intrinsic realization we must come to terms with on our spiritual journeys. Thank you for clarifying this for me in your article. On an even deeper level, we've been conditioned as a society to repress our emotions and completely neglect our shadow side. Without fail. What mot people don't realize is that it is a process or spiritual journey you can under go yourself. But this defensive strategy can easily be destroyed by someone who isnt well-intentioned and can tell its your only line of defense. Resonates deeply..thank you. Awakening is such a bumpy, confusing, messy path, so I can totally relate to that feeling of being disoriented and not fitting in. You tend to ask people, How are you doing? rather than How are you feeling? We need to shift away from that mindset. But we can do our best, understanding that no matter how many mistakes we make, we are loved. How she had somehow tuned into my thought patterns believing I was both destructive to her and to be feared. I look forward to getting to know the Goddess within me along with sharing the word. Desire is another form of trial. Click through to read more <3 #intuition #femininepower #wisewoman #divinefeminineenergy. The over-abundance of the divine masculine is experienced as rigid, unyielding, violent, or rageful tendencies in a personality. You call yourself spiritual yet you dilute Gods creation. It's reclaiming all of our divine feminine energy, our sexual energy, our creative life force energy and divine intuitive inner knowing. To truly honor Mother Earth is to respect her through our actions. Thank you for such a well rounded piece on this subject it certainly makes a lot of sense. Wow, you are a brave soul to work with Kali (I say that with reverence toward her, of course!). 15 people found this helpful. Owning your aggression involves being able to put aside the feelings of others for the time being. People who havent integrated their ferocity have a tendency to exaggerate their own inadequacies.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'innershadowwork_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-leader-2-0'); Phrases along these lines are ways people vocalize that they are not a threat. Fierce Feminine Shadow Work - Changing How You Deal with Fear & Pain Fierce Feminine Shadow Work It must be part of the cosmic joke that our liberation lies in the last place we'd think or want to look - our pain. Who has been there to consistently put him in his place? Both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine arise mutually, and in their most natural state, work together effortlessly and harmoniously. 7 days of healing the divine feminine and the myths you've embodied around feminine sexuality, feminine empowerment, and your sexual energy as a woman. Kali, Morrigan, Hecate, Lillith, Hel are just some examples of her wilder more primal side. The goddess within, the divine feminine, your higher self, is far too large for societal definitions of good and bad. A claim to authority over oneself and the ability to establish boundaries for how others treat you. As great as both halves of now. Required fields are marked *. Self-Love Subliminal for self-hypnotism that will help you change your behavior and gain self-love, self-awareness, better relationships, greater health, and improve your creativity. To regenerate fragments of a broken soul into something extraordinary, is pure dark feminine magic. Our names are Luna & Sol and were spiritual educators and guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. InSpiral Dynamics, this is Stage Orange; ambition, amorality, and pragmaticism. However, I do feel that its important to experience what its like being mirrored and embraced for who you are and finding a compassionate therapist/counselor/trained guide that you resonate with will help tremendously with that (it has for me). To do shadow work, you've got to bring your unconscious mind to your conscious awareness. Your feminine power is reclaiming the complexity of your multifaceted, shapeshifting, cyclical, feminine psyche, feminine body, and feminine spirit. But give it enough time, and theyll soon realize that reason why you did everything you didwas because you loved them. Watch these video clipsAre You Too Passive? Rise sisters rise. (However, if you want to model that behavior in your life, go ahead. What Im learning is that the best way to feel like I belong is to reconnect with my heart (which happens to be a Divine Feminine practice). Keep them coming brother! Ask her for help to connect with your Divine Feminine. We can picture this scenario by observing two children squabbling in the backyard. Read more. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. [Read More]. This original state of being can be observed as being represented in ancient symbols like the yin yang. With 95% of our inner workings operating in the unconscious realms, there is no limit to the mysteries and the power that is held within the hidden aspects of self. (and Can it Die, Escape, or Break? No, not that way! This short, 15-minute, guided meditation introduces you to your Shadow Feminine & opens you up to the gifts & wisdom she has to offer you. But not just in females (although women certainly have an easier time accessing it), but in all beings. Engaging in shadow work is one of the most profound gifts we can give ourselves. its a very bouncy road very with even big time physical body hurt. But so far this has not eventuated, as she was not empowered in any way. The Divine Feminine is a sensual, visceral force that is at the heart of all life. Everything else is of the devils doing and you should stop pandering to it. Your email address will not be published. The goddess within, the divine feminine, your higher self, is far too large for societal definitions of good and bad. Feeling these emotions makes you think that you've done something wrong or that you shouldn't have done the work. Our emotional wellbeing is essential, and shadow work allows us to stay in shape. If we don't understand what is happening when it is, it makes it very challenging to sustain the potential available. Engaging in shadow work isn't a mundane exercise. Thank you all. So why is masculine energy destroying the planet? The process of becoming ones own self.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'innershadowwork_com-box-3','ezslot_13',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-box-3-0'); Some women grow into adulthood and have already integrated their divine femininity, which holds aggression and authority. I cant wait to start the exercises. In the name of feminine empowerment, and reclaiming the feminine way, click through to meet the Marigold Women. Required fields are marked *. To honor the yin energy within you, connect with your body. Bothwomenandmen go through something like this in their young adult years. Goddess Journaling. What I also think was very well written in this article was what the lack of the Divine Feminine and the dominating toxic/shadow-masculine is doing to not only all of us, but the whole planet as well. Yet looking on both sides, I discovered that the feminine elements expressed showed some degree of in my thoughts of failure eg how controlling, obsessive, selfish and inconsiderate I had become inside. Shadow work is the practice of bringing awareness to your darkest shadows and meeting all of the fear, shame, and trauma you've repressed over the years. Only when we change ourselves can true change in the world happen. You may not realize it, but your shadow side makes an appearance every now and again. It is a freed heart, body, sexuality, sensuality, creative life force, and intuitive guiding light. Do you have any advice to share? In conclusion, by not advancing in the normal male way and making a complete ass of myself, I had discovered this gentleness that I have in a personality sense from my dear Mom and Sisters which helped me not only forgive the other party and myself but to deal and heal with my own insides. The ability to stand ones ground. until I get to the foundation of that emotion or issue. Toxic masculinity can affect our ability to embody the divine feminine in a multitude of ways. Soul retrieval is often described in terms of shamanism and spirituality and as a healing you receive by a practitioner. God made a male and a female. Thisisntabout being violent or destructive. Just like a mother nurtures the growth of her children, the Goddess nurtures us. Place your hand on your heart and ask - what part of me have been overly concerned with pleasing . This article explains a lot to me regarding DM & DF as a female the pull of the DF in me is strong at the moment. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. . Women are healers. Click through to learn what it means to walk with the Marigold Women. Its nice to see the Shame Wizard in the comments :), how simple it must be to see the world in such a black and white way. Thank you! As an active force, the Divine Masculine is responsible for progress and evolution. Why do we go through karmic relationships? But in doing so, they are also putting themselves down. Thank you so much, just what I needed. In fact I think that in order for the nurturing aspect of the divine feminine that this world so desperately needs to come into fruition again we are going to need a healthy dose of the wilder side of a womens power to grow alongside it. You're blind to your shadow side because you don't want to see or feel those things. Self-deprecation is for those who are capable of being the bigger bully. Not someone who is looking to hide. The consequence is a world full of racial, sexual, and religious intolerance; gender inequality; unrestrained materialism resulting in large-scale environmental decimation; raping and pillaging of the earth resulting in climate change that leads to huge natural disasters and social collapse you name it. Humans fear pain almost as much as we fear death. What part of you are you trying to ignore, suppressed, reject? This resource gets updated at no additional cost. This book is a must for anyone who is interested in shadow work and the divine feminine. Asking a people-pleaser to be selfish will not resonate because most people-pleasers arent aware of their own preferences. A divine feminine archetype is when a woman embodies the highest expression of her feminine energies. I feel like a woman! When people areusedto you being a people-pleaser, they are much more likely to project that expectation onto you when you are around them. Meditate in the surroundings. Soul retrieval is an exercise of becoming whole and you don't have to have a practitioner to do . But first, lets describe what I mean by aggression: If there were a spectrum where one end signifiesaggression, the other end would then signifypassivity. We get to decide between courage or denial. Fear and pain are two alleys we'd rather not walk down. Just like the Divine Masculine, it is one half of the Spirit of Life. We've updated our prices to Euro for your shopping convenience. Thank you so much for sharing this article through the subscription-messages, this is just what I needed right now as Im in great need of both balance, stability and slowing down in my life nowadays, even more lately, through the Divine Feminine. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'innershadowwork_com-box-4','ezslot_1',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innershadowwork_com-box-4-0');Many women have grown up more on the side of passivity. Meeting a soul mate is a life-changing experience, but meeting your Twin Flame alters every cell of your being. Be honest with yourself. This destructive nature was caused by my ex-friend and upset neighbor condemning me for something I had not done and taking out revenge tactics so I would argue with her and feel annoyed in return. Especially someone prone to people-pleasing. This inner knowing is in their bones. Click through to learn what is means to have a kundalini awakening and how to invoke one. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births and deaths But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression. On the contrary, some actuallyneedto get in touch with this part of themselves. This can be daunting because you are forced to face your pain instead of running from it or pretending it doesn't exist. One of them the little boy is throwing a tantrum. How are you feeling? Fortunately, there are many beautiful expressions of the Divine Feminine out there. awakening yes but thats yourpath and will suddenly be out of it ,it will go on and the sad parts will pass .but sometimes even me ( strong and gentile) why we wake up any one ideas . I have been called to first identify my divine feminine and am currently figuring out how to show up as a divine feminine. Dive into self and remove limiting beliefs that are blocking the development of your self acceptance, self love, self actualization with these shadow work exercises.+ LILITH ONLINE WORKSHOP \u0026 RETREAT +If embracing the wildness within calls to you in anyway, we can't recommend enough checking out our Lilith: Wild Woman Liberation Online Workshop \u0026 Retreat. It's time to reclaim the feminine in its true, and wild form. What she perceived as her mother blocking her was actually her mother nudging her away from big mistakes. Discover more about what it means to be embodied in this life as a spiritual being. Embark on a 7-day journey awakening your kundalini energy and calling the wild woman within home. and dont give up. Reclaim your inner Goddess, tap into the roots of deep sexual healing, sexual awakening, desire, and your inner truth, and set your uninhibited, wild heart free. Connecting with Mother Earth is simple: go outside! But it doesnt. Owning your aggression means you aremaking a choiceto assert your will in service of your Higher Self, that which wants you to preserve your most significant propertyyourself. Click through to learn why you don't love your body and how change it. Its amazing , would love to read more articles like this . What it has failed to learn up until now is that true power comes from within. Engage in your own shadow work; Focus on helping and supporting from the sidelines, rather than taking control . It's letting your divine feminine energy flow uninhibitedly, and shamelessly. I was cut off from my inner feminine energy at the age of 4 and Im trying to find ways to reconnect so that I can raise my daughter in a way that respects and reveres the divine feminine its tough, as its not something Im accustomed to, and Im kinda doing it on the hop wish me luck! Try to think about when you first felt that feeling or experienced that issue. Please dont idolize them or give away your power. Thats not to say that all men are naturally tapped into their aggression. Now, you've decided to sell the house and move, but you have to clear it out first. Basically, our shadow side is the part of ourselves that we reject. Shadow Work for Beginners is based on my in-depth research and personal experiences with shadow work, projection, sadomasochism, inner child healing, triggers, and all things shadow. However, your personal wounds might be totally different. So, in essence, the light side of the Divine Feminine and Masculine is really only another way of saying the balanced side. Fortunately, we have reached the 2012 Shift and the Divine Feminine is rising in women and men around the world. . Conclusion And it needs to end. 1. The Divine Feminine principle weaves her way through all aspects of life (whether you realise she's there or not) and she steers and sustains our cycles of growth. That I was damaging her property in our laundry area. Im in no way saying anything against this side of her ( I may be a man but Im not that stupid ) To be whole and balanced beings, we need to honor both sides of our nature: the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine also known in Jungian terms as the anima and animus. Feminine empowerment is a byproduct of embracing the spiritual shadow work that heals the divine feminine wounds and dismantles the dark feminine shadows. 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