Civility Vs. Violence


Education, Art, and Community as a Way to Embrace Peace


Open Call

Civility Vs. Violence

Education, Art, and Community as a Way to Embrace Peace

The Miami New Media Festival has selected “Civility vs. Violence” as a curatorial thesis for video art and site-specific installations for the XVII edition. Art projects around this topic will remind us how important is education and community to embrace peace. This edition will showcase artworks indoors as a traditional art exhibition, and outdoors as public projections, which is an alternative and effective way to exhibit video art.

Past Editions

Past Editions

We call artists to produce video-artworks about ways to embrace peace in their communities with art and education as powerful tools

This year the XV Edition of the Miami New Media Festival is devoted to this curatorial thesis. Video art, performance and new media art, in general, are dealing with censorship on a daily basis. We must face this reality together as a strong artist community.

Freedom to create art is something we can not give for granted.

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