RaumZeitPiraten is an audiovisual, space and time bending artists collective and ongoing project of Tobias Daemgen, Jan Ehlen and Moritz Ellerich. Since 2007 they work as group and in changing constellations with artists of other professions. With their site-specific, performative installations they create ephemeral models of unperfect mensch-maschine counter worlds questioning calculated realities, scientific accurateness and anorganic, machine dominated behaviour. With custom-built opto-acoustic instruments they are misusing and remixing ancient and up-to-date auditive and visual technologies for heterogeneous, organically improvised light and sound architectures.Their activities are aimed at playful, experimental connections of sound, image, object, space and time to an alternately-self-expanding-multimedia-performance-surround-spaceship-laboratory-travel to somewhere between science and fiction.